Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Moon

Wednesday while we were in Chillicothe we went to see New Moon with Morgan's parents while his siblings watched the boys. I enjoyed the movie. Victoria was in the movie more than she was in the book, but they had to show off the awesome wolves and their special effects. Visually this movie was great, no cheesy sparkles accompanied by even cheesier music. The thing that bothered me the most, and is an extension from the first movie, is that you don't really see Bella and Edward being happy together. They are always so serious and not-smiling. I am a firm believer that if you are in love you should be happy and smiling. There was one scene where she was holding back a smile at seeing him. I think, come on, you love him more than anything, is it really going to kill you to let the world (and him) see you smiling when you see him?

So that's my beef with the movie. BUT, even though the movies aren't masterpieces (though this one was 50x better than the last one) I love the story and the movie tries to follow the books, and does a good enough job that I enjoy the movies.

It is kind of like Harry Potter, although I get more frustrated with the Harry Potter movies because they have a much larger budget, but when people try to visually show you something you only imagined you have to say, thanks for the effort. I know it wasn't perfect, but thanks for trying.

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