Saturday, February 5, 2011


We have been busy with projects lately. Morgan's project is not done yet so I'm waiting to post any pictures until I upload all of them onto my computer which will happen once everything is done.

Anyway, I have been making envelope pillow covers. I bought Morgan a small pillow for Father's Day last year but we never had a case for it. It is just a square and I didn't want something with zippers or buttons since it is for sleeping. Wa-la the envelope cover. I also made on for our changing table pad. The plastic is cold and coming off so we would always have a towel over top of it. That worked, but I wanted something a little nicer and something that would stay in place. So I went through fabric that my mom has given me and found two fun kid pieces. I have only made one cover so far, but I am pretty proud of my work.

Morgan's project is a basic remodel of our bathroom. We having taken up all of the carpet in there and today he and a brother in our ward finished laying new tile on the floor there. We still have a lot to do, but the end is getting closer. Like I said, I will post pictures of the process when we are done.

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