Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Eve

Cousins in a box .

Eli holding Kedrick.

Josh liked the Santa hat...until I tried to take his picture.

Pete, Morgan, Eli, Doris & Emily

White Elephant Party

Eli waiting patiently...but sad that it isn't his turn.

Eli's first present was stolen. It says, "Our guest all bring us happiness. Some by coming, others by leaving." Horray for Goodwill finds. :)

We had a good Christmas Eve at Morgan's parents house. We had a big family lunch with 3 different types of soups. Then we played a game of Taboo and had birthday cake and icecream. And ended the festivities with a White Elephant game. Morgan ended up with a water bottle sleeve, I got a pedometer, Eli and Josh got a recorder and a puzzle.

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