Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Face

Monday night Morgan was gone so it was my job to get the boys to bed on my own. Eli knew it was getting close to bed time and as usual was not interested. He kept saying, "Mom I want to be awake."
As with many children Eli gets extra tired and upset at bed and naptimes so one of the things we often say is that he needs to go to bed so he can be happy the next day, and that he is obviously not happy since he is crying.

Eli: Momma, I want to be awake. I'm happy, see my happy face!

Then he showed me a face that looked just like the one below.
Eli's happy face.

I couldn't help but laugh and take him to the living room to get these pictures. I did convince Eli that it would be best if he went to bed. I did also manage to get a picture of Eli's real happy face.

1 comment:

Cheyenne said...

That is hilarious! He's such a cutie!