Sunday night we had a big storm with tornado warnings and LOTS of rain. Monday I went downstairs to start some laundry and was surprised to find the floor wet. We had about 2-3 inches in our basement at the deepest spot. The entire floor was covered. Luckily we had recently bought some shelves so all of our storage boxes were above where the water was.
Morgan was still out of town and I really had no clue what to do. I called our landlady (who never stopped by :(. and got Morgans laptop off the floor. The water did start going down later in the morning.
As it turned out all of the carpeting in the basement was ruined, and we are going to have to throw out the couch. Morgan worked really hard cleaning everything up and figuring things out. He ended up going to Menards and buying a sump pump because we tried to do a load of laundry and it made the water start coming up again. Our friend Michael L. called and came over to help Morgan. (I would not have wanted to have to carry that couch up the stairs!)
Morgan's laptop is fine, but we think his power cord has gone the way of the world. Our scale is most likely a goner. We haven't tried to turn on our desktop computer yet. Luckily it was off when the water came up...I think that will help. Hopefully the cords, etc didn't get damaged and it will work as well.
So tonight after dinner we are going to finish trying to clean everything up. Sweep the floor, mop it with bleach water and wash off everything else.
Hopefully this is the ONLY flood of the year.