Last night at 7:42 PM CST, Joshua Marlin Lasley was born. The kid was tardy. No, more than tardy - he was late. When he decided to finally come, he really didn't mess around.
Contractions started around 9am, pretty strong and about 10 minutes apart. They became less frequent as the day wore on but started again every 10 minutes when were went to church at 1pm. We came home after church and Morgan broke his fast and he and Eli ate dinner. I had a few croissants but didn't think I should eat too much since I expected to go to the hospital later in the evening.
At home contractions were 5 minutes apart and we started to think about going to the hospital but since Eli took hours to progress once we got to that point I didn't really think that we had any need to hurry. So we sort of moseyed around getting everything together, went and dropped of Eli at the Jolleys and went to the hospital.
We got in about 5:30pm and I was at 4 cm with contractions less than 5 minutes apart. The nurses tried calling my doctor to get me admitted and get him coming. They had no luck getting a hold of the doctor and eventually just took me to a room. They were still trying to get a hold of the doctors and my pain was terrible!
The doctors probably made it there around 7:15 (we had two, my OB was a resident so he was there and then his supervising MD was here also.) Even before they got here the nurse told me that the OB anesthesiologist was busy in an emergency C-section and they were going to try to get the other one to come in, but he lived in Waverly (20+ minutes away) and they would see what they could do. Anyway, the doctors were here, I was at 8-9 cm and they told me it was too late to get an epidural.
I would have to have a Natural childbirth.
Even before this I was having a difficult time. The contractions were right on top of each other, no break room in between. I'm not really a screamer, but I was definitely straining loudly. It seemed to me that the doctors were taking their sweet time washing their hands and getting the gowns, gloves and hats on. I just wanted them to come over tell me I was at 100% and let me push and get the pain over with.
Eventually everyone was ready and after only 4 or so good pushes Joshua was out. And surprisingly I felt really good afterwards. I immediately told Morgan to remind me that feeling good afterwards wasn't worth it, but as the time has worn on I am undecided as to the next child. I have decided to take a Lamaze class or something so that if I do decide to try natural again that I will be better prepared and have some good coping mechanisms. And if the labor is that quick again, I may not have a choice.
Congratulations! I am so sorry you didn't get an epidural - darn slow doctors! So how much did he end up weighing? Have fun getting to know your new little boy!
Congratulations! What a handsome little boy. You look great too!
Congrats I am glad it went fast since you didn't et the drugs.
YOU'RE MY HERO! Congratulations on a beautiful boy with a cute name and a mama who has REAL leverage over him for the rest of his life. Glad you're feeling good. (at least you had cute toes!)
Melissa, we are so grateful you are both healthy and strong! We are so proud of you doing so well down the harder path. What a handsome young man! Morgan, thanks for being a good husband and dad! Love...
Steph, its funny you say that because after it was all labor and my toes were still up, I thought, my toes sure are cute.
Joshua is just adorable! Congratulations!
Hey Congrats! I'm so excited for you. Take care Teresa :)
Congrats on your new addition! I can't believe you only pushed 4 times. You're one tough girl!! We're so happy for you guys.
How do your kids get soo much curly hair!!!! He is so cute. I'm glad he came fast. I've been thinking about the natural route myself since I've had one nasty epiderul and one good one. So is feeling good afterward worth it? And do you really recover that much faster? Anywho, congrats. He is so cute. And also congrats to morgan for passing the bar. Now he is a true live lawyer....with income!!!!!
Congrats. You had the baby and Morgan passed the test. Life's great:)
Congratulations! That is so great that he came! What a beautiful boy! Your story sort of sounds like mine with Em. No classes, no coping skills, it was a total shock! When I got to the hospital with her they were taking their precious time and then they checked me and were like, "Oh boy, don't push! Get her in a room!" Ah, memories...
But I'm still ALL for the epidural :)
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