Monday, April 12, 2010

Movie Reviews


I got this from the Library (no surprise there, eh?) and on the jacket it said it was "the best disaster movie ever'. I should have known from that, that this movie would be mediocre at best. But it had some of the same directors as The Day After Tomorrow, which I really like, so I was hoping for something more.

My problem with this movie, is that it was very funny, in a silly way. The characters took off in a plane with the ground falling out from under them 10-20 times, I lost count. The thing that really turned me off to the movie was, that as a disaster flick, California is falling off into the sea. Now this is something that I've heard jokes about before and not had a problem with. But here the people are trying to save themselves and you actually see bodies falling from tipped over buildings and things. So it made it real to me. Millions of people are dying here, and I'm laughing at the gags they are pulling.

It just left a bad taste in my mouth.

Where the Wild Things Are

Morgan liked this movie. It is one that he would watch again. Shannon didn't like the movie too much. Too depressing, not happy enough for our returned missionary.

As for me. This was a well made movie. Visually, thematically, they really did a good job making this Realistic. Unfortunately realistic is depressing and kind of sad. That said, it is a fine movie for adults to watch, but I'm not going to be showing it to Eli for quite some time. Also, it is not a movie that I am going to rush out to buy. If Morgan wants it I'll get it for him, but that's about it.

I knew I forgot to mention a movie. We also saw,

This was a really good movie. It wasn't your typical football movie/sports movie. It wasn't really about football, but rather the Mom was the main character. I thought everything was really believable. Morgan was saying how he wondered that it got such great reviews and how Sandra Bullock got the Oscar for the part since it wasn't Dramatic. I said, maybe that's why she got the Oscar. Because she played this part that could be over-acted, and she Did Not play it overly dramatic.
Another funny thing, in the movie the NCAA comes and says that it would be wrong for a rich family to find poor kids that are good at football, take them in, and get them into their alma mater. I thought, what is wrong with that. If you have people with money who are allowing kids who would not have the chance otherwise to get into college. Obviously the kids are good enough at football, and they have to pass the minimum grade requirements. So you are giving kids a chance that would otherwise not have it. If they are not good at football no amount of money is going to get them into the school. So why is wrong with it? Maybe someone else can tell me.

1 comment:

PetEm said...

We are on the waiting list for both of these movies from the library and now I'm curious to see what we think. Pete is looking forward to Where the Wild Things Are. We just watched the Blind Side which we both thought was AWESOME! and I watched Old Dogs and thought it was cute and kinda funny, but you have to be in the right mood for it.