Monday, May 18, 2009

Humbled & Grateful

I have just been blog-hopping, finding people I sort of know and reading what they are up to. What I found humbled me. So many people are going through really difficult things and my life is relatively good right now. In fact, my life has been relatively good for most of my life. I wish I knew these people better so that I could offer my help, my shoulder to cry on, my support, what ever they needed.

Plus, I was talking to my Mom today and through the conversation it came up that one of my best friend's (from home) mom was really sick with cancer. I knew she had cancer, she's had it for several years, but I didn't know how advanced it was and how poor her body has become. Her spirit is doing great, she feels good, no pain, and is out doing things, but she is living on a miracle right now. And who knows how long it will last.
I feel bad, because in my emails with this friend, her Mom's health has never really come up. Looking back, it seems like all of our emails are more on the superficial side. I love my friend and don't really know what to say. I wish I could be there with her.

By writing this some people might say that I am opening myself up for a major trial. I hope not, I'm not sure I am as strong as the others I see. I guess the true title for my post should be GRATEFUL. I am so grateful for my life and the blessings I have. I'm grateful that my family is healthy. I'm grateful that we are able to pay our bills and many student loans. I'm grateful my husband loves me and tries to make life easier for me, and appreciates me and the little I do. I'm grateful for friends. I'm grateful for the beautiful world we live in and the amazing colors and animals that are all around us. I'm grateful that I know how to cook and am comfortable with trying to recipes.
I'm grateful that Eli is such a good kid. That he's potty training well, that he goes to bed without much fuss, that he helps me clean up and wants to help me with Everything. I'm grateful he is eating so well lately. I'm grateful that he loves music and likes to sing Primary songs.
I'm grateful that Josh is learning to sleep on his own and sleep longer through the night. I'm grateful that he loves me and smiles when he sees me. I'm grateful he is learning to crawl and growing, discovering new things.
I'm grateful for my family. For my brother who is getting married soon and his fiance. I'm grateful for my sisters for sending me sweet notes, and being so generous to me. I'm grateful to my brothers for their friendship and protectiveness. I'm grateful to my MIL for her kindness and acceptance. I'm grateful to my FIL for raising such a wonderful son.

I'm starting to cry as I write this. I have so many blessings. It has been a long time since I have written them out like this, and I could go on but I don't think people really want to read this post. I guess this one is more for me.


Melinda said...

I agree, too often we get so tied up in life that we fail to sit back and notice how blessed we really are. Thanks for the insight.

Stephanie said...

I'm grateful to you! (and your mexican corn chowder!) we miss you and your boys terribly!

Cheyenne said...

You're so sweet :) It is nice to remember all the blessings we have!

Rachelle said...

Thanks! It's true we are so blessed! Life truly is wonderful when we stop and smell the roses! Thanks for the reminder!