To begin:
We left Iowa at 4am when there was 10 inches of snow on the ground. There were plows out, and we following one for part of the way down to I-80. We also passed a plow in the ditch which did not inspire a lot of confidence. Morgan said afterward that we had no choice but to keep going because none of the plows had plowed the exits so there was 2-3 feet on the side. Luckily once we got out of Iowa the roads weren't too bad. But the first day our 9.5 hour drive took us about 15-16 and the second day the 9.5 hour drive took us about 13-14. That does include having to stop and eat as well as feed little boys.
We had a lot of fun in Utah, visiting my family. Eli was absolutely in love with his Aunt Erin, and Daniel was okay too. He is still asking where they are. :)
We had a good time going to Salt Lake and walking around the Gateway center, Eli loved the fountain. We had a good dinner and the Lion House and then a nice time walking around Temple Square and seeing all of the lights. Eli LOVED seeing the Temple, his face just lit up the first time he saw it that evening.
Walking around Gateway.
Showing Daddy the Temple.
For Christmas Eve we went to my sister's house for the afternoon. There was a lot of traffic problems (a construction crew was picking up the last of the orange barrels and holding up traffic, argh!) We barely made it to Rachelle's house before the "special visitor" was scheduled to arrive. In fact as we were pulling into her neighborhood a 'crazy ya-hoo' stopped & parked in front of us. As we pulled around him we saw that it was Santa, and then we were happy that he was waiting and we would beat him there.
Eli was very excited to see Santa. He was the first one to receive a present and was not scared one bit. This was his first real time getting a present from Santa and we didn't tell him to wait to open his present, so he just opened it on Santa's lap. After he had opened it Santa asked Eli what he wanted for Christmas, if there was anything that Santa could bring him. Eli just looked at Santa and said, "This." Pointing to the toy he had already received. Ah, the joys of childhood.
Eli opening his present from Santa.
After Santa Claus left we did some sledding on a hill nearby and after a delicious dinner Morgan read Luke 2 while the kids played the parts of the nativity story. Eli got to participate as a shepherd and enjoyed himself.
Eli and I going down the hill. (I only went down once, made it to the VERY bottom, then had to pull Eli up in the sled. Needless to say, I am definitely out of shape!)
Morgan is strong enough to carry Eli on his shoulders up the hill.
The shepherds were supposed to spread the news, right? What better way than with a cell phone!
Unfortunately I left my camera at my sister's house Christmas Eve, which meant to pictures on Christmas morning. I'm so forgetful! Aargh! It was fine though, and we had a good Christmas morning opening stockings, presents and eating swedish pancakes for breakfast.
Morgan got his gun for Christmas and we went out after breakfast to try it out. I got a new coat and temple dress for Christmas as well as a wonderful set of books from my mother-in-law. Eli just loved his train set that we got for him. Each of the grandparents got him a book for Christmas and he has enjoyed reading them. Daniel and Erin had our families name for Christmas this year and got us some bullets for Morgan's gun and a huge pile of Children's books. I think Erin gets a deal on them since she is a teacher. But two of the books, especially are some of my favorites and I am glad to own them now. Thanks so much!
After Christmas we had a good time hanging out with family and playing games. Morgan and Eli went and played basketball with the some of the family. And I stayed up way too late the night before we left to play games and watch a movie.
Since I didn't get pictures of my Mom and Josh when she came out after he was born I made sure to get some this time, and just wanted to post them. I sure love my mom!
It was so nice to see all of the family and get to spend time with everyone. Utah had some big snow storms while we were there, but Saturday when we left it was nice and clear. The roads were great on the way home. I even drove for several hours both days so that Morgan could get some rest. These last few pictures are of our car ride home and then Eli opening two of the presents that we had left at home.
Proof that I drove!
Morgan was great on the drive and did most of the driving. I am so thankful that he supported me in going to see my family for Christmas.
Eli opening a present at home. He loved opening presents and was a little confused when other people opened things without his help.
I almost forgot one thing. We have a cell phone now. Not really, but sort of. Because of the crazy weather when we were driving to Utah, (and our lack of calling my parents) my mom and dad got us a prepaid cell phone for Christmas. We kept it on during the drive home and my parents would call to see how far we had made it. It was really nice to be able to have that connection. It will be nice to have the cell phone with us as we drive down to visit Morgan's family in Chillicothe. It is just an all around nice emergency preparedness sort of thing to have. Thanks again Mom and Dad!