Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween Boys

Eli was very serious about being a Ninja.  Josh described himself as a Ninja Lightening McQueen.  They both had a really good time Trick or Treating.


Stephanie Green said...

So do you guys use the Freeman Green method: Ok guys eat all the candy you want right now until you are sick. Or the Stephanie Green method of listen to "Can I have a candy" on a daily basis and limit? I personally will be glad when all the candy temptation is out of the house! (Oh wait, next is Christmas. ah!)

Morgan Lasley said...

We gave them 25 pieces on Halloween and put the rest in a massive bowl and have been doling out about 5 pieces per day since. We are down to just suckers, now. I ate all the almond joy bars.

Stephanie Green said...

Wow, we are the opposite. The girls go for the suckers first and all the Almond Joy bars are left! Wish I could pass them on to you.