Thursday, July 21, 2011

Date Night

Last night Morgan and I went on a date. We got Shannon and Kyle to watch Eli and Josh and headed out for a Pita Pit dinner and then to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II in 3D.
It was Morgan's first 3D film, and I was excited to be there with him.

First a review on the movie: I really enjoyed it. It felt like a fitting ending to a wonderful series. Naturally there were some things changed or left out that I wish they had followed the book more closely, but overall it was a really good experience.

I didn't cry as much as I thought I would, which I think is in part due to the 3D nature of the film. I know it is supposed to make you feel like you are there with the characters, but I think it was a little distracting. I couldn't see everything at once because I was too busy looking at the little pieces. Morgan said they may have done their job too well, because at times it was like looking at cardboard cut-outs.

I don't think I would recommend anyone paying extra to see this in 3D, of course, you must realize that I probably won't go see anything in 3D again either.

It was so nice to go out with Morgan. I think we are going to try and have dates monthly, the money we spend is worth the time we get to have together.

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