Friday, November 23, 2012

A Blog Post

I go to Facebook and people's blogs all of the time to see if they have updated anything. If I wrote an update for every time that I looked for news on someone else my blog would be huge. Today I decided to go ahead and write something new here. It is going to be more of a journal entry with random thoughts, rather than a specific post about one thing in particular.

1st. I am super proud of Morgan. He recently had an opinion given for a case he had at the Iowa Court of Appeals. The opinion that the judges gave us wonderful, they agreed with practically everything Morgan said and even quoted  him directly in the opinion. (That is a pretty big deal.)

This case also clarified a law that had no previous case work on it. Morgan got several phone calls from other attorneys throughout the state congratulating him and asking him how he was able to convince the judges. It makes me really proud to see that other people have seen his work and know that it is good.

He works so hard to provide for us and really wants to do his best for his clients. He is a wonderful husband and father and I definitely won the lottery when I married him.

1 comment:

Krista said...

That is wonderful! I know that you both work hard.