Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Eating Crowe

My apologies to Cate Blanchett and Russell Crowe. When I first saw the previews for this Robin Hood I wsan't all that interested. I especially made unkind remarks regarding "Old Maid" Marion. Cate Blanchett, while beautiful and very talented did not strike me as a Maid Marion.

I was wrong.

This movie is excellent. We got it from Netflix and watched it this past weekend. The story is not your typical Robin Hood, and is definitely not the Kevin Costner story (although both films use old blind men to tug at our hearts.)

The best way to prepare yourself for watching this movie is to think of it as a beginning story. How Robin became Robin of the Hood. As for Maid Marion, she is actually Lady Marion.

I would recommend you see this movie. It had action, love, battles, heart and laugh-out-loud funny moments.


Julie said...

I always love recommendations. Thank you!

Jenny Sue Gamboa said...

thanks for the tip!