Morgan and I were hoping for a girl, it was always a part of our 'plan' to have two boys then two girls, but I just wasn't sure it was in the cards. All of Morgans siblings have only boys and of my siblings they all have either all boys or all girls. So we are the first on both sides to buck the trend.
We think we have a name chosen, but we'll wait until she is born to decide for sure and right now I am just looking forward to start decorating her room and getting ready for baby!
(Sorry the photo is sideways.)
Congrats!! I am so excited for you! It's good to sees someone in the family break the mold. I always love an excuse to buy girly things. Have fun buying pink, ruffley stuff.
Wahoo!! I am so excited for you! I was hoping that you were going to have a little girl!
Sweet! Bring on the glitter and clippies and dresses!
That is so fun! Congrats, it's fun to have a girl after boys, although we do love the boys. I love shopping for girl clothes though. Bring on the pink! I hope you are feeling okay, take care!
That is great! Congrats!
congrats!!!! that is so exciting I love having girls so are so much fun. good luck
Yeah for girls! I was guessing boy- I was so wrong. :)
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