Friday, August 17, 2012


About 10 weeks ago I ran my first mile. I was able to do it in just under 12 minutes. Eight weeks later I ran another mile. Morgan challenged me to never walk, and I did it in 9 minutes 24-ish seconds.

Yesterday I ran another mile for my current Wellness Challenge. I did it in 8 minutes 56 seconds.

I am really proud of myself for getting better and being stronger. My friends and I are doing the Couch to 5K program, except we do each week twice. Now that we are in week 5 things are a little different so we do each day twice.

Today we had to run 8 minutes walk 5 then run 8 again.  I just did my mile at the beginning of our 8 mile run and ran until I finished it.  The second 8-miles were so much harder. But next monday we'll do it again and then Wednesday and Friday of next week we will be jogging for 20 minutes walking allowed.

I am a little scared of doing this, but excited too. Today was the first work-out that I felt sick afterwards. Which I know isn't exactly something you should be shooting for, but it is good to know that I really pushed my body to the limit.

On the bonus side I started this week weighing 150 pounds. I had been that for a couple weeks and I guess now is when my body is ready to get past that plateau and lose more weight because this morning I was 146.6.  It is strange to think that I might actually get to 140 by the time these next 7 seven weeks are over.

Also, as I was cutting Morgan's hair today I told him how I thought it would be fun to once I reach 140 (or lower, I haven't decided for sure) but to cut my hair OFF and have a total make-over.  I had a pixie-type cut before which I really liked and Morgan said that he really liked it too and had encouraged me to cut it that short.  So I may be cutting off all of my hair in the near future.

This is an old picture, but my hair is about the same length. 

I could do something like this...

Or something like this?

Maybe I'll do something a little longer like this.

Or something super short, like this. 


Unknown said...

I like the second picture best, with it all flipped out. :)

jej said...

I loved it when you got it the pixie short last time. Way cute! good goal too!! :)