Friday, April 27, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

Sorry I've been so bad about posting lately.  I have been doing a lot of work on my part-time job and it is keeping me busy.

I have decided that Noelle's birthday cake is going to be a carrot cake. We have some pictures of her eating some below, and she did really well with ti. It was nice that the carrot cake was firm enough that she could just pick it up and take a bite of it.

With the nice Spring weather we have also been going to parks a lot of playing outside as much as we can. Eli and Josh are getting really good at T-ball, but I don't have any pictures of that.

Noelle and her cake.

Yummy cake1

Josh and Eli making faces

This is what I got when I asked for nice smiles. 

The boys played with blocks and Eli made a tower as tall as him. 

Josh pulled Noelle around in the block wagon. 

Noelle loves crawling around at the park. 

Our boys never do things the traditional way. 

Eli the climber

Josh is upside down!

Noelle wanted to check the playground out. 

Noelle and Melissa going down the slide. 

Noelle climbed down our front steps for this picture. 

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