Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Kids

Morgan was talking to Eli and Josh about where babies come from because Eli had kicked Josh in the "bean-bag."  He told Eli that if you kick a man there it could rupture a testicle and then he may not be able to have children.
Then Josh said, "Yeah, and I really, really want children."
Eli said, "Why would you want children?"

Why indeed?

Josh was at the dentist a couple of days ago. We try to talk about it positively so they aren't scared or anything. He was really good, as still as a stature and glued to the television above him.  Our dentist came in and counted his teeth for him.
Dr. Walker said, "You have ten on top and ten on bottom. Do you know how many that is?"
Josh shook his head no.
Dr. Walker said, "20'
Josh - "WHAT!!!"

(I wish you could hear his "What!" It was very incredulous.)

Josh got new shoes.  As we were driving home he tells me that he wants to have a race with me, Eli, and Dad. But no skateboards, and no bikes, and no scooters and no tricycles. Only shoes. Then Josh said that he was going to win because his shoes were super fast. Even faster then Dad.

We haven't had the race yet, I don't want to crush his dreams.

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