Friday, January 3, 2014


Jet is now 3 months old, but I haven't posted in forever.  A month ago we had his 2 month appointment.  He is a slow grower, but is very alert, attentive and a happy baby. 

At 2 months his weight was 11lb. 4.8 oz (19.7%). His height was 24 inches (83.76%), and his head circumference was 40.6cm (84.7%).  So he is tall and skinny, but doing well.

We have also discovered the Jet is ticklish. He will even laugh when we are tickling him. He will often sleep for 8-10 hours at night. It makes me a little nervous, but our doctor has assured us that it is okay and that he is growing fine. Plus, all of my kids were tall and skinny.

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