Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Disc Golf

Yes it is winter and too cold for the boys to be playing disc golf, but we cant' get it off our minds!  Eli has been talking about wanting his own disc golf bag, so Josh wanted one too. We told them that they had to save their money and pay for half of the cost and then we would let them get them.  We went to count their money and both boys were dangerously close to having enough.  After two weeks of doing extra chores we counted their money again. Eli had $8 and Josh had $6. Eli said he would give one dollar to Josh so that they would both be able to get their bags.  Next thing you know the boys have their own DG bags.

Opening the package.

The bags are different colors so we can tell them apart. 

Eli quickly put his discs into his bag. 

Josh is really excited to have his, too!.

1 comment:

Morgan Lasley said...

We played disc on Saturday, though!