Morgan is gone. Not for good, just for today. He is down in Nauvoo for a seminary teacher training. Right now the boys are fighting and crying over who gets to sit on the recliner. I've sent them to their bedroom to calm down. We will have to do a lot of playing outside today so they can use all of their energy.
It has been a while since I've done a big writing post, and I just read two of my sister-in-laws blog and thought how wonderful it was that I could read more of what was going on. So I'm doing it too.
I recently finished the book Pollyanna and am now reading Pollyanna Grows Up. I didn't even know that the movies were based on books but I Absolutely Love It. Just reading the book makes me happier and more GLAD. When I hear the boys getting ready to complain about leaving the park I tell them how Glad I am that we could come and play in the first place.
I have also done a lot more writing for my job this month and feel really good about it. I found a system that works for me in writing several articles at once. Right now I am trying to earn money to cover our trip to Utah for Christmas, and hopefully all of our presents as well.
We would really like a new computer, ours is nine years old and getting slower every day. I am still a big Mac person, so I'll have to do a lot of work before we'll be able to buy a new one.
Seminary will be starting soon. That means Morgan will be going to bed by 8:30pm or 9pm and getting up at 4:30am. I don't like to stay up later than him so I'll probably follow the same pattern, but sleep longer in the mornings.
Eli can't wait for Kindergarten to start. He wanted to wear his school clothes when I went and registered him. He also wanted to know when I would let him walk to school by himself. Even though we are only 6 blocks or so I told him it would be a couple of years.
Josh will be a in a mom-run preschool. Two days a week for 2 hours, with the moms taking turns teaching. I am excited for him, he'll have a lot of fun. I will have a lot of fun with 4 hours week with just Noelle and I. It will probably end up being the time I go grocery shopping. :)
Speaking of Noelle, she is still a great baby. I always worry that she is getting enough to eat, but she seems to be growing and happy. And now I've got to go take care of her again. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.